Usuario arzu-aliyevaxjcf879

Antigüedad: 1 año (desde Dic 10, 2022)
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Acerca de mí: Arzu Aliyeva discusses the importance of the promotion of women of color on films and TV.  Arzu Aliyeva focuses on the consequences of stereotypes that affect women who are of color in the film industry.

Television and film are at the center of the entertainment business and are a way to show social issues.

Arzu Aliyeva A film producer She says that the films do not accurately depict what society looks like.

It is possible that you will only be able to understand the struggles of minorities or women of race through documentary films.

Films that feature minority groups are stereotyped.

Viewers subconsciously believe in the concept and it affects how they think, feel, and behave toward women of race.

Relationships between Stereotypes of Women & Women of Color
Arzu starts by discussing Arzu's belief that men are natural leaders.

In contrast, women are capable and self-confident to assume leading positions .

However, both women groups face different challenges in films, says acclaimed filmmaker Arzu Alieyva.

White women are easy to like. She's compassionate and cares for others. However, she needs to strike a balance, so she's not perceived as weak or ineffective.

Black women are regarded as assertive and angry.

Some people think she has an attitude. It is therefore crucial to ensure that she doesn't display any of these traits. She should also stay away from being dependent, weak, and inflexible.

Black women could also be at risk of racial discrimination.

They are treated in a way that is unfair when it comes to training or gaining promotions. As a consequence, they're not able to reach the highest level of their careers.

It's a war-scarred scene.

Lizzie Damilola Blackburn captured an illustration of this bias in her book Yoinka: Where is Your Huzband.

McKinsey collaborated with LeanIn.Org on an analysis of the gender representation of The women in the Workplace.

The study was inclusive of women of all ages, not just those of color.

The authors state that women are becoming stronger leaders, working with teams, and expanding the efforts to be inclusive. Women of white tend to not advocate for women of color, compared to their allies.

A celluloid ceiling report which reveals how the proportion of female film directors has decreased in 2021. This brings the entertainment industry down.

Another report explained how TV programs created by women had more female editors, writers, and directors.

To increase the amount of women working in this field it is crucial that there be more.

The male-dominated Film Industry has closed its doors to new perspectives. Arzu Aliyeva
The film industry is one of the places where more males are in creative positions like directors, writers and editors.

Lauzen's 2017 Celluloid Ceiling Report looked at gender representation in the top 250 US films.

The report revealed that only 18% of creatives (editors, writers, cinematographers executive producers, directors, and producers) were women.

This is the same percentage that was reported in 1998 (17%).

Different initiatives by the government have been formulated to tackle gender inequality at work. Film industry workers aren't doing as well in the case of women or minorities of racial origin.

Arzu Aliyeva says the film industry recruits via social networks. While social capital is an excellent thing however, it could be detrimental for certain people who want to access the sector.

This type of practice is dangerous for women.

Research has proven that movies with male producers usually include more than 70 percent male members of the creative team. In the average, female producers are paired with 60% male colleagues. From any angle, men will always rule key creative roles.

Arzu Aliyeva describes the negative effects of stereotypes originating from the TV and Film industry.
A stereotype is described in the Merriam Webster Dictionary as a typical mental image that one group holds about the other. It is a simplified view of a prejudgment, an assumption, or an uncritical judgement.

Stereotypes can be misleading and can give false impressions about a community or group.

In the TV and film industry, women do not have the same opportunities as men.

Even if they land a role, they are not likely to be seen as independent and strong-willed.

James Bond's films are filled with female characters that are typically depicted as needy, victims, or damsels.

Women tend to portray roles that don't show who they truly were.

This may be because there isn't enough female filmmakers particularly those of color, to be honest about women.

The question of censorship can be a concern when it comes down to the presentation of "taboos" issues such as rape, sexuality and harassment.

Traditional cultures prohibit women from speaking about certain subjects because they are taboos. Netflix as well as other platforms don't allow women to talk about taboo subjects.

Stereotyping can have a variety of negative consequences.

It can affect self-esteem, decision-making skills as well as their mental well-being. It is possible to experience self-stereotyping where you begin to behave in a specific way in order to feel connected.

Arzu Aliyeva says that diversity is crucial.

The push for greater diversity on screen
In February 2020 In February 2020, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) College of Social Sciences published a report called Holywood Diversity. The report examined relationships between diversity and the base of diversity in Hollywood.

It analyzed the top-ranking films at the box office between the years 2018 and 2019. It assessed the level of participation by women and those of different races both in front of and behind the camera.

It was positive to report that women had made major advances in the field of film.

Yet, they're underrepresented in key areas such as studio heads, film leads, directors, actors, and film writers.

Women, especially those of color, who are left out on television can cause a problem.

Sharing her story on Quora, Brianna Richardson was the only black child in a class that was populated by white children. She wished she was white because of the lack of representation of women of color in media.

Genna's words were "If she cannot perceive it, she will not be it."

This is why it's so important to have more women in our television screens. If they don't, how will young girls be inspired to achieve their goals regardless of race?

Female executives must be featured in television and movies.

In addition, the representation must be inclusive of all.

As much as white women are given equal opportunities Women of color should be treated the same way.

Arzu Alyva says that it is possible to be real when the image that appears on your screen changes
Women have been fighting since the beginning of time to obtain what they want. It's more difficult when the woman is black.

After years of protests, agitations, American women finally gained the right vote in 1920.

But black women were denied access to the vote due to certain laws of the state.

Women of color are expected to put in twice as much effort to get the same positions in the workplace as white women are in a position to get. They must also contend with gender stereotypes and microagressions.

Minda Harts author of the Memo: The Things Women of Color must learn to Securing a Table .shared her friend's story.

The said friend had worked for a company for around six (6) years, yet her boss didn't even know her name. She was required to wear a nametag, unlike her white colleagues.

To be visible Women, people of color must be able to sit at the table.

A wider range of TV and film industries can help to provide a better visual representation of the screen.

Following the idiom "seeing is believing" society will be more welcoming to women of color as well as other minorities.

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